Getting Started for Senior Health Regular physical activity is vital to maintaining good health and wellbeing. However, there are some instances where exercise is not recommended. Discuss the following questionnaire with your health care professional to determine...
Confused by Health Terms for Senior Health and Wellness? While you understand the importance of monitoring your health and wellness as you get older, some of the terminology can be confusing. The following glossary translates some of the jargon you may have heard or...
Why Strength Training Is Important It’s Not Just Weight Lifting Many people associate weight lifting exclusively with bodybuilding. However, strength training with weights often involves more frequent repetitions with lighter weights. This latter form of...
Foods for Seniors to Avoid A good meal is one of the most enjoyable aspects of life. However, as people grow older, certain foods should be avoided – or removed from the diet altogether. This doesn’t mean that seniors should settle for bland, flavorless meals,...
Medicine Ball Exercises for Seniors Strength training is an essential aspect of maintaining wellness for seniors. The following medicine ball exercises are easy and fun for seniors of varying fitness levels – and cover nearly every area of the body. Chest Press This...
What Is an Annual Wellness Visit and Why Is It Important? Individuals are living longer, and often maintaining relatively good health well into old age. One aspect of maintaining optimal health among seniors is an annual wellness visit. Along with a physical, an...