Benefits of Assisted Living

Benefits of Assisted Living

Benefits of Assisted Living Your loved one may require the services of a caregiver or an assisted living community after an unexpected accident or medical emergency – or the need may materialize over a number of years. In either instance, caregiving is a challenging...
Mental Health Is as Important as Physical Health

Mental Health Is as Important as Physical Health

Mental Health Is as Important as Physical Health Mental health is as important as physical health in maintaining overall well-being in every phase of life. The following five strategies can ensure that seniors keep their sense of well-being in both mind and body!...
How to Know When to Retire

How to Know When to Retire

How to Know When to Retire Many baby boomers are facing the decision of when or whether to retire. People in their fifties and sixties today face the prospect of a possible retirement that can last 25 or 30 years – possibly even longer. Many circumstances can be a...
How to Talk to Your Family About Retirement Care

How to Talk to Your Family About Retirement Care

How to Talk to Your Family About Retirement Care Retirement age care is a sensitive topic of discussion. It’s a challenging process for adult children to decide how they should care for their parent or loved one as they age. It can be a struggle for siblings to agree...