How to Know When to Retire

Many baby boomers are facing the decision of when or whether to retire. People in their fifties and sixties today face the prospect of a possible retirement that can last 25 or 30 years – possibly even longer. Many circumstances can be a signal that retirement is the right next move. In other instances, the need for assisted living may be the sign. Whatever the circumstances, proper planning can ensure the highest possible quality of life during a person’s senior years.

Health Issues

People engaged in physically strenuous positions often find that they lack the stamina or strength to continue after a certain age. Serious health issues, such as heart attack or diabetes, may also motivate a decision to retire. Cognitive decline due to Alzheimer’s or dementia may also necessitate leaving the workforce – as well as a move to an assisted living care community.

Personal Interests

In many instances, even when someone enjoys his or her job, getting older may trigger a desire to pursue something different. For example, an attorney may retire from practicing law to become a performer or to enjoy a serious art hobby. Many professionals retire from paid work to engage in volunteer activities in their communities.

Other people may just want to trade in the nine-to-five routine for more flexibility in their schedules. Perhaps they want to travel or spend more time with family, either nearby or across the country. They may want to slow down their daily routines. If they have the financial means to do so, retirement allows them to pursue those interests.

If you or a loved one is in considering, or in need of assisted care, Camino Retirement Apartments may be just what you’re looking for at this stage.”

Call us today to arrange a tour.

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We can talk about how your family can stay in touch while getting your loved ones the care or help they need.