Benefits of Assisted Living

Benefits of Assisted Living

Benefits of Assisted Living Your loved one may require the services of a caregiver or an assisted living community after an unexpected accident or medical emergency – or the need may materialize over a number of years. In either instance, caregiving is a challenging...
Mental Health Is as Important as Physical Health

Mental Health Is as Important as Physical Health

Mental Health Is as Important as Physical Health Mental health is as important as physical health in maintaining overall well-being in every phase of life. The following five strategies can ensure that seniors keep their sense of well-being in both mind and body!...
Why Strength Training Is Important

Why Strength Training Is Important

Why Strength Training Is Important It’s Not Just Weight Lifting Many people associate weight lifting exclusively with bodybuilding. However, strength training with weights often involves more frequent repetitions with lighter weights. This latter form of...
Medicine Ball Exercises for Seniors

Medicine Ball Exercises for Seniors

Medicine Ball Exercises for Seniors Strength training is an essential aspect of maintaining wellness for seniors. The following medicine ball exercises are easy and fun for seniors of varying fitness levels – and cover nearly every area of the body. Chest Press This...
7 Basic Tai Chi Exercises for Seniors

7 Basic Tai Chi Exercises for Seniors

7 Basic Tai Chi Exercises for Seniors The idea of martial arts brings up visions of kicking, punching, rigorous training, and body contact. While many martial arts involve vigorous fighting techniques, there is an ancient martial art that does not promote violence or...